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Here and Now!

Tu cu ce provocare te confrunți acum?

Behind a “successful” life is a lot of work, a lot of effort, enormously many challenges overcome with perseverance, heroism and courage..

Trust that you too can successfully overcome absolutely any attempt that brings your life. Any challenge can become a trampoline for your growth!

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Masculin, Viril, Legendar

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Invitat special: Paula Dafinoiu

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Im Theodor Pop.

Founder of the Path of the Conscious Man program. In the last 12 years I have worked with over 2000 men as a masculinity trainer and mentor. But before I was a trainer and discovered the secrets and methods that opened the way to the life I have now, I was a “victim of destiny”.

I was running away from all difficult discussions, taking refuge in work and sports becoming extremely competitive, but this was draining me and didn’t even solve my real problem. Behind a “successful” life is a lot of work, a lot of effort, enormously many challenges overcome with perseverance, heroism and courage.


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